Welcome to Mod N Vape's official website! Snazzy, isn't it?
We've been working on the site almost as hard as we work in the shop in order to make this vaping stuff a lot simpler and a lot more affordable! Our ethos has always been orientated towards providing an experience unlike any other store. Never have we wanted to sell you the biggest and baddest kits, the most expensive juice and the most inefficient means to quit smoking!..
Instead, with us, you have the power of a more human connection; a one on one tailored experience that'll help you through your vaping journey, whether you're a long time vaper looking for something new or exciting, a smoker on fourty a day looking to stop for good or simply someone who's picked up and can't put down disposables.
We are here (with our fully NCSCT (National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training) trained staff (ooo!)) to help you achieve your goals, learn more more about vaping and to provide you an experience worth coming back to.
We prefer to take the  "if it 'aint broke - don't fix it" approach. We don't want to sell you big and flashy. We only buy stock in if we believe in it. If it's not a good kit, a tasty juice or a reliable system then we believe that, if it's not worth our time, it's not worth yours either. The same goes for our prices, why pay more for less?
If it 'aint good we don't want it and neither will you!