These supplements are ideal for improving your mental health by reducing symptoms of "brain fog", improving your cognition (your perception, mental awareness, sense awareness, knowledge retention and intuition) and providing you a sense of awareness that comes with being more alert, more responsive and more "in the moment". 

These products aren't designed to give you energy, boost your immune system or make you hyper-active, they're simply designed in a way that supports and promotes your brain's natural function by focusing on the benefits each supplement provides that your brain can use. If you imagine your brain is a machine sometimes you need to do maintenance on then these supplements are like changing the oil, dusting off the cobwebs and giving it a good deep cleanse! You might not be able to change the parts but you can make them work better!

As with most supplements the effects are felt exponentially over time as they build in up in your system - your body might be confused by what's going into it but soon learns that it's good for it; which is why these are better taken with a meal too as your body knows it's time to start absorbing the nutrients from your meal as well as the nutrients from these supplements. 

Why is it always bloomin' mushrooms?

Because they're so bloomin good! Mushrooms contain a lot of the vitamins and essential minerals we need on a day to day basis that we might be missing out in our diets. Things like Thiamine and Riboflavin (Vitamin B1 & B12) help your body to produce natural energy from its stores of carbs and fat as well as promote healthy neuron growth in the brain whilst fueling those same neurons in a way that acts as a brain-fog reducing, mind-clearing and anxiety-quelling way that means you don't have to eat a diet of exotic vegetables and fruits from timbuktu to get!

Plus minerals such as manganese (Which supports healthy bones, relieves arthritis, helps curb diabetes and helps with those mood swings and cramps that come with a period), zinc (which helps with your immune system, protects your eyesight, helps with healing and improves your.. uh.. swimmers), and potassium - a mineral essential for all your bodily functions (including helping your nerves respond to stimulation, reduces the effect of salt on your blood pressure and helps your cells function).